Observing the World Around Us
The Case of the Gasping Garbage
Location, Location, Location
Thunder Cake
At the Root of It
The Moon Seems to Change
Connecting Character, Culture and Community
The Year of Miss Agnes
The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways
The Frog Princess: A Tlingit Legend from Alaska
What Is a Community? From A to Z
Around Our Way on Neighbors’ Day
City Homes
Seeking Explanations
Storm in the Night
Knots on a Counting Rope
Paul Bunyan
Living Through A Natural Disaster
On the Same Day in March
Becoming an Active Citizen
Brave Girl
The Ride: The Legend of Betsy Dowdy
Back of the Bus
What is a Government?
Who Really Created Democracy?
A More Perfect Union
Personal Narrative Writing
Writing personal stories, working on beginning, middle, and end with developed paragraphs
​Informational Writing
Writing about an expert topic, creating 5 developed paragraphs, using technical expert language and strong transitions
​Narrative Writing
Chapter 18 (create your own extension of "The Year of Miss Agnes")
​Opinion Writing
Compare and Contrast: "The Year of Miss Agnes" v. "The Athabascans"​
Informational Writing
Create a brochure (students research general information and climate about a state of their choice)
​​Informational Writing
Rube Goldberg Project (students write a step-by-step about their project, where/when it will be sold)​
Students write different types of poems (acrostic, limerick, etc.)
Number Concepts to 1000
Problem Solving
Basic Facts & Relationships
2 Digit Addition with Money Concepts
2 Digit Subtraction
Problem Solving
3 Digit Addition and Subtraction
Problem Solving
Money, Time, Data